Best Daily Contact Lenses

Contact lenses have changed a lot since 1888 when the first successful hard contact lens was developed. It wasn’t until 1960 that soft contact lenses were first introduced to the market and in the 1980s disposable contact lenses were first released. Until recently disposable contact lenses have been supplied with a recommended fortnightly or monthly replacement schedule. This unfortunately means that in wearers the lenses may become uncomfortable and dry from increased deposits on the lens surface towards the end of their wearing schedule. It is for this reason that daily replacement contact lenses have been developed.
What are the advantages of daily replacement contact lenses?
Since they are replaced after one wear there is not the same opportunity for daily wear lenses to develop deposits on the lens surface. A fresh lens is inserted in the eye every morning. There is less chance of eye infection since there is less handling of the lens. Wearers suffer from less dryness and irritation as the lenses tend to stay cleaner. if you regularly damage your contact lens they are more economical than fortnightly or monthly replacement lenses. They have better visual performance as the lenses tend to stay cleaner and more deposit free.
Best Daily Contact Lenses
But even with daily replacement contact lens schedule some people tend to suffer from dry irritated eyes. So what are the best one day contact lenses?
Best Daily Contact LensesDaily replacement contact lenses tend to fall into two categories: those made from a hydrogel material and those made from a silicon hydrogel material. Lenses made with a silicon hydrogel material tend to have greater oxygen permeability and there are numerous different patented materials each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
What are the five best one day disposable contact lenses?
Proclear 1 day contact lenses
The Proclear branded material in these contact lenses is called omafilcon A and is available in a spherical and multifocal version. The material is hydrogel based and specifically designed to maintain its water content during the day and reduced symptoms of dry eye and ocular irritation. The surface feels moderately slippery which is designed to reduce deposits. This is an excellent lens if you are unable to wear silicon hydrogel based contact lenses.
Dailies AquaComfort Plus
These lenses cover the full range of prescriptions as they are available in spherical, astigmatism and multifocal designs. The nelfilcon A material is hydrogel based with a lubricant called AquaComfort Plus impregnated in the matrix of the lens. This lubricant is released from the lens with each blink resulting in the lens maintaining its moisture during the days wear.
ULTRA ONE DAY contact lenses
ULTRA One Day contact lenses have a relatively high water content and even after a day's wear, feature a high level of water retention. Their polymerisation process incorporates hydrophilic components such as glycerin which is released during wear to stabilise the tear film. The lens also feature high oxygen permeabilty and UV blocking. Manufactured with kalifilcon A, they have an optical design to reduce aberration. They are only available in a spepherical design to correct myopia and hyperopia,
MyDay daily disposable contact lenses
MyDay contact lens are manufactured from stenfilcon A which is a new generation silicon hydrogel. Being naturally wettable, this material means that the MyDay lenses maintain good hydration during the day's wear. Channels in the matrix of the contact lens enable the good oxygen permeability of a silicon hydrogel lens with the excellent wetability of a hydrogel lens. They also incorporate an ultraviolet light filter. MyDay are currently only available in a spherical form.
Dailies Total 1 contact lenses
Total 1 lenses are available in both spherical and multifocal forms and are manufactured with delefilcon A, a genuinely novel silicon hydrogel material. This has a core water content of 33% and a water content on the surface which is approaching 100%. This is achieved with a gel like surface of the lens. The surface has an extremely low coefficient of friction and is very slippery. This has the advantage of reducing the occurrence of lens deposits however it does make the lens difficult to remove unless your fingers are totally dry. It is a premium lens and is priced accordingly.
For those wearers who suffer ongoing dry eye the daily total one contact lenses are certainly worth investing in. If for some reason you are unable to wear a silicon hydrogel type contact lens then your next option would be the BioTrue brand of lenses which are also resistant against deposits and drying.